Sunday, December 5, 2010

Blog Entry 23

1. In what ways do you “construct” your identity? In what ways do you “perform” in your daily life?
I feel in every persons personality a small part of their identity is constructed. A person has some traits which are there when he/she is born till they die, and some which are constructed into them by their surroundings and the people they meet. There are some traits in a person which are there to show the world, and are not the reality: like how some people like to wear cloths of expensive brands to show off their money.   
2. Describe some ways in which your personal culture and social environments are “constructed”.
Both personal culture and social culture are constructed into a human to a great extent. Culture is instilled into a person mostly by the parents and family, country and religion etc. Social environments, like friends and family are responsible to construct a persons social behavior.
3. Describe some ways in which your physical environment/space is “constructed”.
When I think of a constructed space, an occasion comes to my mind. I feel that when we celebrate any occasion like a birthday, weeding, festival etc. We do construction to the actual space to change the mood of the environment according to the occasion.
4. In your daily life, what would you consider to be “real” and what would you consider to be “constructed/fabricated”?
I would consider the usual/repetitive activities and happenings in my life as real like going to college, driving my car etc. While I would consider unusual, unforeseen activities/happenings as constructed like an accident, murder, a celebration etc.
5. Describe a narrative tableaux that you might create to be captured by a photograph. A narrative tableaux can be defined as “Several human actors play out scenes from everyday life, history, myth or the fantasy of the direction artist” ( Constructed Realities: The Art of Staged Photography Edited by Michael Kohler , 34).
I created a photograph of my friend by compiling different activities she performs throughout her day. Like: reading/studying, sleeping, feeding her fish, looking out of the window, going out of the house, etc. It was one space which showed different activities of the same person.
6. Describe an idea for a photograph that includes a miniature stage or still life. A description of such an image is “The tableaux reconstructs events as in the narrative tableaux, but in miniaturized format, using dolls and other toy objects” (Kohler, 34).
To create this type of a picture, I would probably create a small scene of factory men working in a coal factory, by adding real small pieces of coal burning and small toys of factory workers. This would give the picture of constructed reality with natural elements.

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