Monday, December 13, 2010

Assignment 6- Final Images

Mirror Reflection

Water Reflection


Wine Glass Reflection

Window Glass Reflection

Utensil Reflection

Reflections that reveal the past times:

Framing: I have framed all the images to include a reflective surface and the actual body of the person in all of my frames. I also tried to give a meaning to a lot of these pictures by adding elements in the picture to show more about where the subject is and what she is doing.
Perspective and point of view:: In all the pictures I try to show the viewer the two personalities, one modern and one traditional. 
Sharpness and Blur: In some the pictures I had to keep very strong depth of field to show the subject along with the reflection, and in some I kept a shallow depth of field to blur the background in the picture.

I had to take two pictures with the same setting but the model in the modern then traditional dress and then compile the 2 pictures together into one using Photoshop. Each of my picture shows the model and also her reflection. The reflection shows the model in cultural indian attire, but in western cloths in reality.

My motivation behind my idea was an image I clicked to recreate a painting previously in this class. This old idea evolved during a class discussion with my classmates and became even more interesting and challenging.

This series shows the change in time, how the old times were cultural and traditional and how the new age have become modern by reflections on different reflective surfaces. 

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Assignment 5- Final Images

The different way:

Perspective and point of view: In this picture I tried to create an illusion. The camera angle I chose and the composition I created by making the image seem like I am sitting on the ground leaning on the wall, and also by gluing the coke cans on the wall make it look normal.
Background elements: When we look at this image, at the first glance one gets confused. But then by looking at the cars in and the building in the background, one can notice that its an illusion. 
Framing: One of the most important aspect to make this image to look like and illusion was to put the image at the perfect angle and rotate it appropriately. So positioned my tripod to take the frame accordingly.

The concept of this image is to create an illusion in the viewers mind, which I believe the image does successfully.

My motivations behind this image was an inspiring image I found on the internet. I tried to be more creative than the original image by placing the cans on the wall and also using a more strong background.

This image is meant to create an illusion in the viewers mind and also to show how sometimes reality could be manipulated.

Part 2:

Comments from my classmates:
Great idea, the cars in the background gives the image a interesting appeal. Also the coke cans are working great in the image.

Friday the 13th Movie still recreation :

Amount of subject to show in frame: I have included half of the body of the subject, because the reaction of the subject is majorly seen on her face and her hands. I did this this so the viewer can have a closer look at the the subjects reaction to understand the picture.
Lighting: I kept a single lamp in the room, right in front of the subject to give the picture this great color effect. I also did a lot of burning and dodging to the picture to darken the whole background and just show the subject with the smoke.
Orientation (portrait or landscape): I have clicked a portrait picture to get just the human subject without any other elements in the picture.

I clicked the image to show the viewers a similar emotion as the original picture gives to the viewers.

My motivations behind this image was simply an already existing still form the movie Friday the 13th. I tried to recreate exactly the same scene, by having the smoke in the picture and also ans wet hair of the model. But could not get it totally right.

This image is to show a recreated scene from Friday the 13th.
Part 2:

Comments from my classmates:
Great recreation, Good work with burning and dodging. The models reaction could have been better. Also the makeup of the model could have been better. Smoke effect looks good in the photo.

Illusion :

Perspective and point of view: My prospective was to match the actual car with the picture I clicked on my phone to create an illusion.
Focus: I had to keep the maximum depth of field in this picture, because I wanted the camera in my hand clear along with the actual car.
Orientation (portrait or landscape): I wanted to capture the car and also the background buildings in the picture, therefore Landscape was the best choice.

I clicked the image to create an illusion in the viewers minds. They get confused, to see how half of the car is on the phones screen, and half of it is outside. It almost makes it look like I am holding a transparent glass and not a phone.

My motivations behind this image were a lot of advertisements I found on the internet which used magazines instead of a phone to create similar illusions.

This picture is to show an illusion of the car in the phone screen and outside together.

Part 2:

Comments from my classmates:
Great idea to create this illusion. Such advertisements are getting really famous these days. In the phones screen the buildings shorter height than real makes gives it a better appeal. Great Car.


Perspective and point of view:  Everything you see in the picture relates to the subject, and tell you something about the subject.  Also show the tension in the scene to the viewers.
Framing: Both these pictures contains elements in the frame which make the picture tell a narrative story.
Orientation (portrait or landscape): I have clicked a landscape an a portrait photograph, and one can clearly see the difference, how there is 

I clicked the image to show a day in life when she is trying to do something serious, but even after several attempts she is unable to get it right.  And one can see the bin with a lot of crushed paper in it, she is having an alcoholic drink  too,  and of course her serious expression and the isolated space makes the photo serious.

My motivations behind this image was the image I presented in the class from constructed reality. The picture was based on the same concept to relate all the elements in the picture with the ongoing scene.

To show the tension, all of us go through sometimes in life.

Part 2:

Comments from my classmates:
Great angle, Good work with burning and dodging. The brick wall in the background, the subjects attire and also the contrast gives the picture a old look. The candle picture has great lighting/effect. 

Blog Entry 25

Write a detailed description of your “motivations” for your final self-proposed project. Why are you interested in this subject? What do you want to convey? How do you want viewers to respond? Why are you inspired to make these images/this project? Do you want to evoke emotions in viewers? Shock viewers? Make them laugh? Make them think? Inform them? Reveal something about how you see the world? Reveal something about yourself, a person, a place, a feeling, a memory, a moment in time? 

I would  now want to still keep the idea of Indian Attires, but I am going to take reflections of the model on different reflective surfaces. I am going to use Photoshop to edit my pictures and compile 2 pictures together. Each of my picture will show the model and also her reflection. The reflection will show the model in cultural indian attire, but in western cloths in reality. This series will be to show the change in time, how the old times were cultural and traditional and how the new age have become modern. My motivation behind my idea was an image I clicked to recreate a painting. This old idea evolved during a class discussion with my classmates and became even more interesting and challenging. I am interesting to do this series because I will have to be very creative in clicking these pictures on different reflective surfaces and will also require a lot of digital editing skills in producing the final picture, and ultimately will improve my skills. I want to convey the message of change in time to the viewers by this creative idea. I want the viewers to learn more about culture and a comment on the modern age. I also want the viewers to my work as an illusion, as the same image will show to personalities. 

Monday, December 6, 2010

Final Assignment- Work in Progress critique

The traditional times vs. modern

Blog Entry 24

A. Pick two images from any of the “constructed reality” photographers presented in class or linked on the assignment sheet. Describe how you could recreate these two images on a “smaller scale”.
1) I could recreate the photograph I presented in the class by using a few elements in the picture with similar meanings. The picture I presented was to tell a story, and each element in the picture has a link to the story. I could create a scene of a women trying to write a letter, but not able to get it write, which is shown by bunch of crushed paper in the trash bin right behind her, and to show her frustration, the scene created is at night and in the dark with candle light. Also there will be a bottle and glass of alcohol, which will show the sad mood of the subject.
2) The other image I could recreate is of a movie still. Move stills have a really big role of the costume, make-up, space and lighting. I fell I one could look for similar alternatives to achieve all the key things for a movie still recreation, It could be a little tough for someone to bring the liveliness in the picture, but good effort and some creativity will do it.

B. Describe your plans for your self-proposed final project (if the plan is the same as before, paste it here again and give a bit more detail). During the final critique for Assignment #5, you will discuss/present these ideas to the class.
My idea for the final project has evolved from the original idea. Initially I thought to make series of a photograph I clicked earlier in this class. This photograph was a recreation of a painting by one of the worlds most renowned artist named "Raja Ravi Verma". My idea is to create a series of photographs to show different attires women wear across India. And to give the pictures a similar old fashioned portrait look.
My evolved idea: I would would now want to still keep the idea of Indian Attires, but I am going to take reflections of the model on different reflective surfaces. I am going to use Photoshop to edit my pictures and compile 2 pictures together. Each of my picture will show the model and also her reflection. The reflection will show the model in cultural indian attire, but in western cloths in reality. This series will be to show the change in time, how the old times were cultural and traditional and how the new age have become modern.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Blog Entry 23

1. In what ways do you “construct” your identity? In what ways do you “perform” in your daily life?
I feel in every persons personality a small part of their identity is constructed. A person has some traits which are there when he/she is born till they die, and some which are constructed into them by their surroundings and the people they meet. There are some traits in a person which are there to show the world, and are not the reality: like how some people like to wear cloths of expensive brands to show off their money.   
2. Describe some ways in which your personal culture and social environments are “constructed”.
Both personal culture and social culture are constructed into a human to a great extent. Culture is instilled into a person mostly by the parents and family, country and religion etc. Social environments, like friends and family are responsible to construct a persons social behavior.
3. Describe some ways in which your physical environment/space is “constructed”.
When I think of a constructed space, an occasion comes to my mind. I feel that when we celebrate any occasion like a birthday, weeding, festival etc. We do construction to the actual space to change the mood of the environment according to the occasion.
4. In your daily life, what would you consider to be “real” and what would you consider to be “constructed/fabricated”?
I would consider the usual/repetitive activities and happenings in my life as real like going to college, driving my car etc. While I would consider unusual, unforeseen activities/happenings as constructed like an accident, murder, a celebration etc.
5. Describe a narrative tableaux that you might create to be captured by a photograph. A narrative tableaux can be defined as “Several human actors play out scenes from everyday life, history, myth or the fantasy of the direction artist” ( Constructed Realities: The Art of Staged Photography Edited by Michael Kohler , 34).
I created a photograph of my friend by compiling different activities she performs throughout her day. Like: reading/studying, sleeping, feeding her fish, looking out of the window, going out of the house, etc. It was one space which showed different activities of the same person.
6. Describe an idea for a photograph that includes a miniature stage or still life. A description of such an image is “The tableaux reconstructs events as in the narrative tableaux, but in miniaturized format, using dolls and other toy objects” (Kohler, 34).
To create this type of a picture, I would probably create a small scene of factory men working in a coal factory, by adding real small pieces of coal burning and small toys of factory workers. This would give the picture of constructed reality with natural elements.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Final Project Brainstorming